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Time duration:

4 months



Figma, User research methods

UX/UI Designer


Shivani Mistry

A service that improves organization's culture by motivating employees to share knowledge and learn by aptly recognizing efforts.


Project goals:

This graduation project is a part of my work done at Fibonalabs. The goal of this project is to design an experience that improves work environment of an organization which builds culture. Employee's behavior is the sole persuading factor that boosts the overall productivity. Understanding the behaviors to identify a gap that helps build cohesive culture that emphasizes on employee's work life.

Research area.

Employee behavior is defined as an employee's reaction to a particular situation at workplace. They need to behave in a particular manner in order to maintain the work place's authenticity. The research initiated with studying these behaviors and brainstorming the various situations they are put into. Understanding in depth about the psychology behind every reaction gave a brief idea about the desired direction. Research methods include user interviews, user survey, analysis through affinity mapping and creating a customer journey map to figure out the high and low points.

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Brainstorm - 

Generating various directions of the research area using the brainstorming method is utilized to understand employee's behavior like work-life balance, communication, motivations, learning from colleagues. This method is used here to answer the question of how to improve work environment?

Increasing communication, delegating responsibilities effectively, timely giving rewards and recognition, maintaining the workload, sharing and learning from co-workers are the major ways to improve work environment to create a culture.

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Defined direction.


Interactions with the employees are an important aspect of a growing environment. These connections are the potential sources of learning. Majority of a working professional's time is spend at office, resulting in maximum learning opportunity at the work place. 

Parallel websites/applications

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These applications focus on learning among people to upgrade their level of skills and understandings. Focus lies learning only from a certain group of people. Sharing experiences is an unexplored area of opportunity. Motivation to use these applications is not at par. Interaction within people is limited.

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Gaps identified.

Sharing and Learning from co-workers is considered to be one of the best ways to improve company’s productivity. Some employees are also aware of the fact that sharing is important, as it is beneficial for them as well. However, one is not motivated enough to share.

There are theoretical ways to motivate people, but there is no defined solution/method for employees to share and learn autonomously (willfully). 

Target Audience.

Employees working in Small to Medium sized corporate companies (10-249 employees).

Organization with less number of employees have more assigned responsibilities, thus, making them learn from each other more often.


Every individual will be able to learn new things, creating more growth opportunities which increases job satisfaction.

Communication within the team is improved benefitting the organization.

Research method - User survey


To understand employee's behavior/motivation to share and learn from each other willingly. The user is put in different scenarios to know their pattern of choice.


Employees work throughout the day and week. The short, situation based survey gives a clear idea of the behavior pattern based on data collected.

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Best advantage of peer learning

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Reaction to less response from audience

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Work based on situations

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Daily time division

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Willingness to contribute to peer learning

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Does everyone in the team contribute equally?

Giving constructive feedback

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How senior level employees others to share

Conversing on topics

Talking to speakers




Appreciating for teamwork

Affinity Mapping.

Affinity map is used to analyze deeper into the themes and groups to uncover insights from the qualitative data collected from user survey. The map is categorized into motivation, inspiration, collaboration, peer learning, feedback and engagement to answer the research questions. Sorting the data collected eliminated the chances of missing out on information.

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User personas.

Customer Journey Mapping.

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Customer journey mapping creates a visual tale of the user's experiences that made me put myself in the user's shoes to understand their scenarios. This method allowed me to gain insights into common customer pain points and how to improve. 

This journey starts from the intrinsic motivation an employee needs to start working and seeks inspiration. Collaborative working and sharing is the best way to learn. Touching each action point in the journey gives an elaborative idea to know when the sense of accomplishment is achieved. 

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An online platform




Employees from all organizations

Sharing knowledge and learning, recognition

A reward based application for employees to share and learn along with peers in an interactive setting to increase their share of knowledge.

Moodboard - Features



- How to create a welcoming organization culture? 

- How to motivate employees to share and learn willingly?

- Ways to create fun and engaging environment?

- How to improve organization's overall productivity?

- Ways to recognize each employee's efforts?

Ideation - Features

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Information Architecture.

B.J.Fogg's Motivation Model


This motivation model by B.J.Fogg focuses on three factors motivation, ability and trigger. The chance be rewarded while learning and sharing acts as the principal motivator to persuade the desired response. The second factor ability, determines whether the offer on the landing page is realistic to the user. The user should be able to complete his action smoothly. Trigger being the most impactful factor, needs a lot of thought. Here, the rewards act as trigger for the employee.

Low-fidelity wireframes

Ideation on the wireframes is to understand the layout and usability of the features. Low-fidelity wireframes gives a context of data flow. Each screen represents the visual placement of the features and how the user can navigate from start to end point. A brief idea is obtained to get an idea on the final product. 

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A. Welcome back page

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B Create Profile

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C. Wrong password

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D. Onboarding Screen - I

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E. Onboarding Screen - II

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F. Onboarding Screen - III

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G. Home page

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H. Rewards - Pebbles earned

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I. Events landing page

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J. Events detail page

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K. Work goals landing page

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L. Meetup landing page

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M. Feed landing page

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N. Activities landing page

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O. Activities- Mood selection

UI Style Guide

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High-Fidelity Wireframes

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The home page comprises every feature the application represents. Each feature has the simplest action to access their landing page. The user's profile is displayed at the top to give a brief of status and pebbles collected. The user profile page gives a detailed view of their account. History of documents uploaded, events attended, upcoming meetings and activities participated are accessible through user's profile.

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Setting goals based on the employee's choice can be done through this feature. The employee can set personal goal as well as work goals to list down details of each goal. The amount of tasks completed from the list is showcased on the top, acting as a motivation to complete every task. Each task can be set up with a deadline through calendar.

Events are the major source of learning through this application. The user selects the area of interest from the top dropdown and based on that, the app recommends events for the user. The events landing page shows upcoming, already registered and recommended events. Selecting each event navigates the user to a brief page describing the event motive, timings and place, and the total points (pebbles) the user will earn after attending the event. The user can register and the points that will be used for registering will be deducted from the pebbles.

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Rewards is the motivation behind sharing and learning through the application. Here, the rewards are pebbles. As the user attends events and meetups, they end up earning points, that are collected here. With more pebbles collected, the user levels up to shores. After first 250 points, the user reaches shore 2 and earns more rewards. Each pebble can be redeemed through activating eBooks or playing games (that improves team bonding). The app also recommends ways to redeem the pebble. These pebbles are used to register for events and meetups too.

© 2022 - All rights reserved - Shivani Mistry

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